Teresa Bertucci

Teresa Bertucci
Long Practice Description

Specialization: Coaching (Mindfulness and Compassion practices, Gestalt Therapy, Body Positive and Positive Embodiment), Voice Therapy (with specialization in singing voice, and emotional/psychological aspects of the voice).

Practice Description: I offer individual and group sessions to work on body acceptance, positive embodiment, Self-Compassion and Mindfulness practices. With a focus on the social aspects of health (I love exploring privilege, oppression, talk about bias and microaggressions, my workshops and sessions include psychoeducation to enhance liberation), gender (feminism, gender identity and sexual orientation), migration (as I have migrated and understand the difficulties of displacement), and the unique intersectionality of each human being. Our sessions will be explorations in which you are the leader and the owner of your truth, and I gently intend to create a space where you can be who you are and feel safe. I additionally offer voice therapy and training, focused on the emotional and identitary aspects of your voice and using the voice to soothe and heal, applying Gestalt techniques. I offer Gestalt therapy as well (working on polarities, integrating the personality, returning to a more spontaneous way of living life, and processing illnesses by engaging in a dialogue with sick organs, technique created by the Chilean psychiatrist Adriana Schnake).

Practice Phone Number
Practice Contact Email
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Ages I work with
Languages Spoken
English, Spanish
Only if the client is from Chile, but I offer a convenient price for my sessions.
Currently accepting clients

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